Powerful benchmarking tool gets a makeover and new features


As part of the Ignite suite of data visualisation tools, the Credit Trends app is a benchmarking tool that helps companies that use credit data compare their performance to their peers and others in the industry. It has a variety of use cases, including showing how a company’s customer base is responding and changing to macroeconomic conditions (e.g. through a crisis or turndown); showing how new customers compare to existing customers; and showing how the risk profile of a customer base changes over time.


The app offers over 70 different charts covering key measures such as market share, time on book, credit risk scores, account status including default and delinquency status, balances and a customer view.


In the latest update we’ve introduced a range of new enhancements to the app, including:

  • Average and cumulative Risk Navigator credit score views - These charts quickly and easily show how the average and cumulative Risk Navigator credit score changes over time, helping to identify if the credit risk of a customer base is changing.
  • The ability to extract visualisations from the app has been extended to include the option to download the data behind the charts via .csv or .xls.  The exported data can then be combined with other data sources for additional analysis or to create bespoke visualisations.
  • The “Time on Book” filter has been extended to include a new 0-1 month status so that users can filter all charts to only show recently boarded customers and to benchmark the profile of these customers against their Peers and Industry.


These updates have already been made available to existing Credit Trends users with more new features focused on new customer profiles to follow.


To find out more about the Credit Trends app and its latest new features, you can watch this short demo video that shows each new feature in the app.


Alternatively you can contact us here to find out more or to schedule a live demo.